After unsuccessfully trying to sleep for a few hour I decided to get up, get online, and bitch. I’ve got a whole lot to bitch about and I’m going to Rant on until I get it all out. Oh, and for you skepics out there I’ve taken the time to source my rant so if you don’t belive me take the time to check it out for yourself.
I’ll start with the wonderful "War on Drugs" which isn’t really considered a "war" at all, the term is just used to justify the use of police or military force against the "criminals", so its a war put in place by the government against its own citizens (how wonderful) and to top it all the govenment gets huge revenues from putting its own citizens in jail or prison. The war on drugs hasn’t prevented drug use at all, if anything its actually funding and making drugs cheaper (1). Cocaine use has increased more than fivefold since 1988 (Thank You Drug War! thats exactly what we need. dumb-asses).
Not to mention the shit like this
I’ll start with the wonderful "War on Drugs" which isn’t really considered a "war" at all, the term is just used to justify the use of police or military force against the "criminals", so its a war put in place by the government against its own citizens (how wonderful) and to top it all the govenment gets huge revenues from putting its own citizens in jail or prison. The war on drugs hasn’t prevented drug use at all, if anything its actually funding and making drugs cheaper (1). Cocaine use has increased more than fivefold since 1988 (Thank You Drug War! thats exactly what we need. dumb-asses).
Not to mention the shit like this
Reagan secretly illegally trained and armed the Nicaraguan Contras, which they funded by the shipment of large quantities of cocaine INTO the United States using U.S. government aircraft and U.S. military
One million Americans are incarcerated each year on drug related charges, about 225,000 are for simple possession of marijuana, the 4th most common cause of arrest in the United States.[13]
In the 1980’s the number of arrests for drug offenses rose 126% [14]
The United States has a higher proportion of its population incarcerated than any other country in the world [15]

"More than 2,000 such multi-machine sets were dispatched throughout Germany, and thousands more throughout German-dominated Europe. Card sorting operations were established in every major concentration camp. People were moved from place to place, systematically worked to death, and their remains cataloged with icy automation." (18)
I’m Off....
P.S. Take America Back! Support Ron Paul (reasons why)
One million Americans are incarcerated each year on drug related charges, about 225,000 are for simple possession of marijuana, the 4th most common cause of arrest in the United States.[13]
In the 1980’s the number of arrests for drug offenses rose 126% [14]
The United States has a higher proportion of its population incarcerated than any other country in the world [15]
Okay, speaking of incarcerating the population, lets get off the drug topic and go straight to our beautiful and "free" country. To be a country based on "freedom" its ironic that we have the LARGEST prison population IN THE WORLD (Proof:: 1 2 3) (Statistics)
According to a report released by the US Department of Justice on November 30, 2006 1 in every 32 adults are either in jail or prison, on probation, or on parole (4)
Out of Prisons and on to what "freedoms" we have left... ... ... ... ... Well, actually I can’t name any freedoms we have left...
The NSA spys (5) on americans (5.1) through our phones (6) , through our computers (7) , and any other form of communication you can think of. But wait, it gets better, they don’t just spy on you... They spy on the whole world (8) They just spy on us DIRECTLY. [pic] But its okay, after all its NOT ILLEGAL, ANYMORE thanks to the USA Patriot Act which Bush signed into LAW even though Congress NEVER got the chance to READ it!! (Thank you, Mister Monkey).
Bush may have honestly made it to the Presidency the 1st time, but the second time... COME ON... We don’t even have a say-so when it comes to who is our president anymore thanks to the electronic voting (9) (9.1). Anyone that has access to a computer and the internet can hack an election, if they know what they are doing! (10) (11) (12) (13) And all these voting machines are made by BIG CORPORATIONS. Corporations run every aspect of our lives, Directly and Indirectly!!
When you go to the store to buy food almost all the food you buy comes from one HUGE corporation, or another one being, ConAgra either Directly or Indirectly (not all, but almost all).
When you go buy a product from General Electric (GE) your not just funding GE but also all of their Assets like GE Money, GE Healthcare, The Media: All the NBCs, A&E Television Networks, The Biography Channel, The History Channel, Military History Channel, MSNBC (co-owned with Microsoft), CNBC (co-owned with Dow Jones), Sci Fi Channel, USA Network, Universal Studios, and TiVo.
When you buy a Mitsubishi car or other product your also funding the Nikon Corporation, Nippon Oil Corporation, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (part of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation), and the Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd. but thats not all there is just too much to name.
And all that may not mean a damn thing to you but think about this. IBM one of the biggest corporations on the face of the planet. They just may be a good thing, right? I mean after all if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have the computer you are reading this on now. But what if one day you found out they Assisted and Helped Adolf Hitler? Its TRUE. IBM was Founded in 1889 and Incorporated in 1911. Without IBM it would have been EXTREMELY hard for Hitler to kill the Jews as he did. (14) (15) (16) (17) Now of coarse they didn’t have computers yet, but they did have the IBM punch card and card sorting system which automation the killing of the Jews and other "undesirables".
The NSA spys (5) on americans (5.1) through our phones (6) , through our computers (7) , and any other form of communication you can think of. But wait, it gets better, they don’t just spy on you... They spy on the whole world (8) They just spy on us DIRECTLY. [pic] But its okay, after all its NOT ILLEGAL, ANYMORE thanks to the USA Patriot Act which Bush signed into LAW even though Congress NEVER got the chance to READ it!! (Thank you, Mister Monkey).
Bush may have honestly made it to the Presidency the 1st time, but the second time... COME ON... We don’t even have a say-so when it comes to who is our president anymore thanks to the electronic voting (9) (9.1). Anyone that has access to a computer and the internet can hack an election, if they know what they are doing! (10) (11) (12) (13) And all these voting machines are made by BIG CORPORATIONS. Corporations run every aspect of our lives, Directly and Indirectly!!
When you go to the store to buy food almost all the food you buy comes from one HUGE corporation, or another one being, ConAgra either Directly or Indirectly (not all, but almost all).
When you go buy a product from General Electric (GE) your not just funding GE but also all of their Assets like GE Money, GE Healthcare, The Media: All the NBCs, A&E Television Networks, The Biography Channel, The History Channel, Military History Channel, MSNBC (co-owned with Microsoft), CNBC (co-owned with Dow Jones), Sci Fi Channel, USA Network, Universal Studios, and TiVo.
When you buy a Mitsubishi car or other product your also funding the Nikon Corporation, Nippon Oil Corporation, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (part of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation), and the Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd. but thats not all there is just too much to name.
And all that may not mean a damn thing to you but think about this. IBM one of the biggest corporations on the face of the planet. They just may be a good thing, right? I mean after all if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have the computer you are reading this on now. But what if one day you found out they Assisted and Helped Adolf Hitler? Its TRUE. IBM was Founded in 1889 and Incorporated in 1911. Without IBM it would have been EXTREMELY hard for Hitler to kill the Jews as he did. (14) (15) (16) (17) Now of coarse they didn’t have computers yet, but they did have the IBM punch card and card sorting system which automation the killing of the Jews and other "undesirables".
"More than 2,000 such multi-machine sets were dispatched throughout Germany, and thousands more throughout German-dominated Europe. Card sorting operations were established in every major concentration camp. People were moved from place to place, systematically worked to death, and their remains cataloged with icy automation." (18)
The machines were not sold, they were leased, and regularly maintained and upgraded by only one source: IBM. IBM subsidiaries trained the Nazi officers and their surrogates throughout Europe, set up branch offices and local dealerships throughout Nazi Europe staffed by a revolving door of IBM employees, and scoured paper mills to produce as many as 1.5 billion punch cards a year in Germany alone. Moreover, the fragile machines were serviced on site about once per month, even when that site was in or near a concentration camp.
I’m not going to say anymore on the subject, if you wanna know more check it out for yourself.
Monsanto, OMFG, probably one of the most Evil Corporations on the Planet. They Kill You! and your not even aware of it! All Cows Milk come from Monsanto. They put a Synthetic Drug in the Cows to Produce more milk called Bovine Growth Hormone or BGH (20), the Brand name of this Drug is called Posilac. Now this Drug is Illegal in most of the World but Here in the Good Ol’ United States Monsanto Pressured FOX News (another Corp.) to Supress the Investigative Report & Health Risks and They did Supress it, soooo It never got out to the General Public (21). BGH is known to cause breast, prostate and colorectal cancer (22), a higher risk of diabetes and a shorter lifespan (23), and has been linked to an increased number of twins born to humans. (24)
When you buy Roundup, Milk, or anyother Monsanto product you ARE FUNDING CANCER and God-knows what else! They made Agent Orange which was used in The Vietnam War! Agent Orange Killed one of my Best Friends because he was in the Vietnam War! And It continues to kill hundreds if not more. These are JUST SOME of the Terrors that come from Monsanto, there is no way I could cover them all.
Monsanto, OMFG, probably one of the most Evil Corporations on the Planet. They Kill You! and your not even aware of it! All Cows Milk come from Monsanto. They put a Synthetic Drug in the Cows to Produce more milk called Bovine Growth Hormone or BGH (20), the Brand name of this Drug is called Posilac. Now this Drug is Illegal in most of the World but Here in the Good Ol’ United States Monsanto Pressured FOX News (another Corp.) to Supress the Investigative Report & Health Risks and They did Supress it, soooo It never got out to the General Public (21). BGH is known to cause breast, prostate and colorectal cancer (22), a higher risk of diabetes and a shorter lifespan (23), and has been linked to an increased number of twins born to humans. (24)
When you buy Roundup, Milk, or anyother Monsanto product you ARE FUNDING CANCER and God-knows what else! They made Agent Orange which was used in The Vietnam War! Agent Orange Killed one of my Best Friends because he was in the Vietnam War! And It continues to kill hundreds if not more. These are JUST SOME of the Terrors that come from Monsanto, there is no way I could cover them all.
Myspace, something you are probably a member of RIGHT NOW. Myspace is Owned by the News Corporation and the News Corp. also owns Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Television Studios, FOX NEWS, The DirecTV Group (DirecTV Satellite Service), Turner South, Newspapers All Over The World (Including New York Post and The Wall Street Journal in the USA), and Of Coarse MySpace and Photobucket!
Now that you know how Myspace is connected to everything else in Society Think about this... According to the "Terms of Use Agreementwhen you access the Myspace website or ANY website owned in anyway by Myspace you agree to these "TERMS"... In these TERMS it states:
Now that you know how Myspace is connected to everything else in Society Think about this... According to the "Terms of Use Agreementwhen you access the Myspace website or ANY website owned in anyway by Myspace you agree to these "TERMS"... In these TERMS it states:
By displaying or publishing ("posting") ANY Content on or through the MySpace Services, you hereby grant to MySpace a limited license to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content solely on or through the MySpace Services, including without limitation distributing part or all of the MySpace Website in any media formats and through any media channels..."
This Allows them to USE ANY Content they wish on FOX NEWS in anyway they wish including ADDING stuff to your content you post... Think about what you are doing! But thats Not all thats in the Terms of Use, Read it, See what you ARE AGREEING TO and think about what you Post... Remember the "Chris Crocker" incident ("LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE") on YouTube (Owned by Google)? LOL
Okay, I’ve been on this Rant for about 7 or 8 hours now and I think I feel better now. So, I’m going to get off of here and Finish my day off... Remember my Rant and Protect yourself as much as possible from Corporate America!
Check things out before you become a Member! And Research things before you include yourself in them...
Okay, I’ve been on this Rant for about 7 or 8 hours now and I think I feel better now. So, I’m going to get off of here and Finish my day off... Remember my Rant and Protect yourself as much as possible from Corporate America!
Check things out before you become a Member! And Research things before you include yourself in them...
I’m Off....
Peace & Love
And Fuck Corporate America!

And Fuck Corporate America!
"When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power... The World will Know Peace"
-Jimi Hendrix
P.S. Take America Back! Support Ron Paul (reasons why)
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