Albert Hofmann
1906 - 2008
Sir Albert Hofmann was one of the greatest Chemist of all time.
Sir Albert Hofmann synthesized Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in 1938 and in 1943 he took a dose either by accident or intentionally.
He felt nothing so he got on his bicycle and started to go home. This bicycle ride home turned out to be one of the greatest life-changing experiences of his life.
Sir Albert Hofmann died from heart failure on January 29, 2008 at the age of 102.
Before his death he became an advocate for LSD. He wrote "LSD: My Problem Child" and other books and papers which you can find on this Wiki page.
Under the consciousness-expanding potential of LSD Sir Albert Hofmann turned into a Philosopher of Nature and a Visionary whom was critical of contemporary culture. He remained extremely active and maintained a child-like curiosity for the wonders of nature and life until his death. He made it the norm to stroll through, what he called "Paradise" (His Home), walking through his meadows enjoying the life of nature all around him as he talked to the plants he loved so dearly.
Sir Albert Hofmann called LSD "medicine for the soul."
"It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis" then he added that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 60s then unfairly demonized by the Establishment. He became extremely frustrated when the Establishment pushed it underground by prohibition.
But despite the current "War on Drugs" and the continuing struggle for Liberty many great things have come out of the use of LSD.
One great example is Francis Crick. Francis while under the effects of LSD discovered the Secret of Life, the Double-Helix structure of our DNA! (most of you probably won't believe me on that one so I've labeled the sources: ¹ ²)
Other interesting LSD facts can be found here and on
I do believe it is safe to say that LSD is not harmful, after-all Sir Albert Hofmann the Father of LSD lived to be 102. Its reported that he consumed the substance twice monthly for its mind-expanding effects. It did not collect in his spine and he did not have flashbacks as the rumors state, there is no scientific evidence of this, the propaganda of the "War on Drugs".
"I think that in human evolution it has never been necessary to have this substance LSD, it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be."
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